Extraordinary Election in February

News Update 20 December 2019

Following Greg Milner’s election as Mayor in October, his former Moresby Ward Councillor position is currently vacant, with a term until 2021. 

The WA Electoral Commission will conduct an Extraordinary Election on Friday 28 February 2020 to fill the position. 

Residents in the Moresby Ward are eligible to vote, if enrolled on either the State electoral roll (Residents Roll) or the City of South Perth Non-resident Owners and Occupiers Roll.

If you’re not enrolled, you have until 9 January 2020 to do so and be eligible to participate. 

Residents can visit the Electoral commission website to check if they are already enrolled: www.elections.wa.gov.au.

For more information, visit the Elections page on the City's website. 

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.