New turf for Mends Street playground

News Update 21 November 2019

The City will be installing new turf at the Mends Street playground and the eastern end of the Connect South, Mends Street piazza from tomorrow, Friday 22 November. 

The playground will be closed from tomorrow until Sunday 15 December 2019, as the areas will be fenced off to facilitate daytime watering and to ensure the turf becomes established. 

The closest playground is at the Scented Garden, which is approximately 400m east, towards the Coode Street Jetty. 

The turf was damaged during the construction phase of Connect South and is now being replaced to brighten up the area before the piazza’s first event, Carols at Sunset, running 15 December from 6.30-8.30pm.

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.