Public Toilet Plan

News Update 11 November 2019

The City is developing its first Public Toilet Plan to provide a holistic and forward thinking approach identifying key opportunities for future provision, design, and upgrades of public toilets. 

The City owns and manages 16 public toilets and many of these no longer meet current passive security and accessibility standards.

As a recommendation from the Community Recreation Facilities Plan endorsed by Council in 2019, the Public Toilet Plan will provide a framework that delivers a consistent, cost efficient and fit for purpose structure. It will be based on principles informed by community and stakeholder engagement. 

The Public Toilet Plan will consider community needs, priorities and design trends in order to provide convenient, more economical, sustainable and equitably-located public toilets.

Visit Your Say South Perth for more information and to find out how you can provide your feedback.

Consultation is open until 4pm Monday 2 December 2019.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.