Statement regarding Pinnacles building

Media Response 28 October 2019

Media enquiry from ABC News

We would appreciate some clarification about the issues and subsequent safety measures taken on Charles Street following reports of glass falling from a building.
Namely we would like to know:

  • What safety measures have been taken?
  • When was the footpath closed?
  • When will it be re-opened?
  • How many reports of falling glass have there been? And when were they made?
  • Is the building owner taking measures to prevent this happening again?
  • Is the City working with nearby businesses which may have been impacted?
  • Is there anything else we should know about this?

Any response that could be provided this morning would be appreciated.

Please attribute the following statement to City of South Perth Mayor, Greg Milner.


The City was notified late in the afternoon on Friday 6 September that a small portion of a panel of glass from one of the upper level apartment balconies in the Pinnacle Apartments had shattered and fragments of the glass had fallen onto the footpath.

These panels are designed to shatter and stay in position. They are designed to break into small pieces of glass. A portion fell onto the building’s canopy and then onto the path and roadway below. 

As a result, and in the interest of public safety, the City subsequently closed part of the footpath adjacent to the building on Labouchere Road and Charles Street until further notice. In addition, residents were advised to vacate the balconies until further notice. These actions were based on legal advice obtained by the City. 

On 10 September, the City hand delivered letters to residents of the building. 

The City met with representatives of the owners, strata managers and builder on 12 September to evaluate options to enable safe pedestrian access to the building and facilitate the safe crossing of Labouchere Road for pedestrians.

Following that meeting, the strata body submitted details for the City to consider, and on 13 September, the City amended the footpath closure to allow access beneath the existing awning. There is an existing canopy on the building that enables safe pedestrian access, and additional plywood panels have since been put in place to increase protection at the corner of Labouchere Road and Charles Street. 

The City is mindful of the local businesses operating at the base of the building and has ensured access to those businesses during this time, with clear access ways to each of the businesses. 

The City’s responsibility is for public safety, and the users of the road and footpath.

The City continues to work with the strata managers to evaluate options to enable safe pedestrian access to the building and facilitate the safe crossing of Labouchere Road for pedestrians. 

The City issued Building Orders under the Building Act 2011 on 14 June 2019 in relation to glass balustrading shattering at the Pinnacle Apartments. At that stage, the City was aware glass panels had shattered, however no glass from the panels had fallen onto the pavement.  

The Orders required the glass be tested to ensure that the glass panels installed on the units complies with the Building Code of Australia and Australian Standards.

The parties on which the Orders were served subsequently filed applications at the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT) and following a Directions hearing, mediation is set for 18 November.

What safety measures have been taken?

The City has closed parts of the footpath adjacent to the building on Labouchere Road and Charles Street until further notice to ensure public safety. In addition, residents were advised to vacate the balconies until further notice. These actions were based on legal advice obtained by the City. 

When was the footpath closed?

Parts of the footpath have been closed initially since 10 September, with various sections reopened following discussions with the strata body and the installation of the plywood panels above the corner of Labouchere Road and Charles Street. 

When will it be re-opened?

The parts of the footpath that remain closed will be re-opened when there is no longer a safety risk. 

How many reports of falling glass have there been? And when were they made?

This is the only incident of falling glass that has been reported to the City. 

Is the building owner taking measures to prevent this happening again?

The City is working with the strata body to understand the cause of this issue and the appropriate solutions.  

Discussions will also be held at the SAT meeting in November. 

Is the City working with nearby businesses which may have been impacted?

Yes, the City is working with nearby businesses to ensure the best outcomes for them.  The City is mindful of the local businesses operating at the base of the building and has ensured access to those businesses during this time, with access ways to each of the businesses.

Is there anything else we should know about this?

Please refer to background information above.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.