Water Corporation valve replacement works in South Perth
During recent valve inspections in South Perth, Water Corporation uncovered a faulty valve on the corner of South Tce and Sandgate St. Water Corporation attempted to fix the valve at the time however upon further inspection determined the valve needed to be replaced.
To reduce impact to road users and the community Water Corporation will replace and relocate the valve to the verge on the other side of South Tce. This will eliminate the need for traffic management and interruptions to the road during routine maintenance.
This work will be completed in three stages from Tuesday 22 October 2019 to 11 November 2019.
Stage 1 – Tuesday 22 October, 9am to 3pm
- Minor work on valve to enable upcoming relocation.
- This work will involve minor traffic management on South Terrace.
Stage 2 - Friday 1 November to Sunday 3 November, 7am to 5pm
- Installation of new valve in the verge along South Terrace.
- This will include excavation in the verge. Traffic management and pedestrian management will be in place.
Stage 3 – Saturday 9 November to Sunday 10 November, 24 hour works
- Excavation and removal of old valve in the road. Reinstatement of all impacted areas.
- This will include excavation in the road and traffic management will be in place.
In order to safely complete this work one night of night works will be required as indicated above on Saturday, 9 November. This has been scheduled on a weekend to reduce impact to surrounding residents. Night works allow us to safely turn off the water main without impacting water supply to customers.
How will the construction impacts be managed?
Unfortunately, our construction work can be noisy and a little dusty. We understand and appreciate that this causes temporary inconvenience and disruption in the community, and we are committed to working with our customers to minimise impact.
There will also be traffic management in place to direct road users and pedestrians safely around the work. A small section of South Terrace will be reduced to one lane as we work to remove the faulty valve.
We will aim to maintain access to properties at all times. If for construction and safety reasons access is temporarily unavailable our contractor will work with you in advance on an alternative arrangement.
Who to contact?
If you have an enquiry or issue requiring immediate actioning onsite, i.e. property access, please contact 13 13 75 (24 hours).
For general enquiries please contact Community Engagement Senior Advisor, Jess Moloney-Christie on 9420 2883 or Jess.Moloney-Christie@watercorporation.com.au weekdays during business hours.
To report a fault, emergency or security issue, please call 13 13 75 (24 hours).
Contact us
- Phone 9474 0777
- Email enquiries@southperth.wa.gov.au