Mayor Sue Doherty decides against re-nominating
City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty has chosen not to run in the coming October local government election.
Mayor Doherty has held the position since 2011 and been part of Council since 2002, elected Deputy Mayor in 2009 and Mayor in 2011 with a second consecutive term in 2015, which ends next month.
She is the third longest serving Mayor in the City, behind George Burnett (1968-1989) and WCG Thomas (1956-59 as Mayor of the Municipality, and 1959-68 as Mayor of the City); and her time as Councillor and Mayor combined makes her the longest-serving woman in South Perth local government.
“I am passionate about the community and have worked to make a difference during my time on Council, both as a Councillor for Moresby Ward and Mayor,” Mayor Doherty said.
Her motivations for running for Mayor were to engage residents on a deeper level, achieve greater transparency in Council practices, and maintain and enhance a balance between South Perth’s natural and built environment.
“I’ve been privileged to be part of a number of major projects and changes in the City, having influenced a change in the town planning scheme to enable more childcare centres, focused on an emphasis on community engagement for all work undertaken by the City, and advocated for the development of our arts, culture and heritage programs.
“Welcoming new Australian citizens at the City’s Citizenship Ceremonies has been both a joy and a privilege; it’s made me really appreciate just how lucky we are to be living in such a wonderful country.”
What’s coming next?
“I’d like to take a step back and stop and smell the roses – and look after my own roses a little more!
“I’m thinking about how I can use my skills and experience to continue developing the community. I’d like to continue to mentor young people and identify ways I can add value to the social fabric of the City.
“Thank you for the opportunity to lead this wonderful community. I especially enjoyed fighting the battle for South Perth to remain separate to the Town of Victoria Park, which was such a great outcome for the City.”
City CEO Geoff Glass acknowledged the contribution Mayor Doherty has made during her eight years leading Council.
“Sue has made herself very available to listen to the community’s needs and concerns,” Mr Glass said.
“She has vigorously represented the interests of the community at all levels of government, particularly in Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP) matters, and has given guidance and wise counsel in how the City’s administration can best serve the interests of the residents of our City.”
The election will be held on 19 October 2019. More information, including the list of candidates, can be found on the City’s website.

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