Draft Perth Water Buneenboro Precinct Plan open for public comment
The draft Perth Water Buneenboro Precinct Plan is now open for public comment.
Perth Water, Buneenboro, is a diverse and interconnected section of the Swan River situated between the Narrows Bridge in the west and Windan Bridge in the east. The area includes the adjacent foreshores of the City of Perth, City of South Perth and Town of Victoria Park.
The Perth Water precinct is evolving with several major projects under way, increasing visitor numbers and growing interest for tourist and commercial ventures.
The draft Precinct Plan establishes a vision for Perth Water Buneenboro and provides development policy, direction and actions to achieve the vision. It focuses on respecting the cultural and environmental value of Perth Water, and addresses key development considerations such as tourism and recreation opportunities, commercial use and transport improvements around and across the river.
The Draft Precinct Plan comprises two parts:
- Part 1: Development Policy and Requirements – key policy positions to direct and inform all types of development (including use of the land and water) within the precinct, supported by a series of development requirements that are to be addressed and satisfied as part of any development proposal.
- Part 2: Action Plan – a rolling five-year action plan which identifies a list of actions members of the Perth Water Vision Group (PWVG) aim to implement the Precinct Plan vision. The Action Plan will be updated as new actions arise.
The development of the Perth Water Precinct Plan is being overseen by the Perth Water Vision Group, which comprises eight State and Local Government agencies.
Comments should be submitted by 5pm, Wednesday, 23 October 2019.
Email: precinctplan@dbca.wa.gov.au
Or post to: Locked Bag 104, BENTLEY DELIVERY CENTRE WA 6983
If you have any questions or comments specific to the draft Precinct Plan, email precinctplan@dbca.wa.gov.au.
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