The City's nursery

News Update 2 September 2019

The City’s plant nursery in Como is one of the largest local government nurseries in metropolitan Perth and supplies stock for planting projects throughout the City, and to other local councils including Town of Victoria Park and the Cities of Melville, Belmont, Canning and Fremantle.

In 2018/19 the nursery produced almost 50,000 plants including:

  • 20,049 tubes as wetland species and native seedlings for revegetation works
  • 26,882 plants in 140mm pots
  • 1,975 trees up to 1000 litres in size
  • 310 sedge bags for river bank stabilisation.

This year there was an increase in plants grown in 140mm pots to supply major jobs undertaken at Olives Reserve and Karawara Western Diamonds among others.

Along with plants native to Western Australia, the nursery also grows species native to Australia and other countries for urban diversity.

Please note, nursery plants are for City use only, and not available for sale to the public. 

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.