City of South Perth parking

Media Response 18 July 2019

Enquiry from WA Today journalist 

I am following up on whether local councils engage private lawyers to deal with local parking law matters that cannot be resolved in-house. 

How many fines have been issued under the council's local parking laws in 2018/19 and at what total cost? 
How many of those fines were appealed? 
How many appeals were successful? 
How many appeals were eventually referred to the Magistrates Court? 
Does the council engage a lawyer to deal with parking matters that go to court to be resolved?
If no, how does it represent itself in court?  
If yes, is the lawyer a permanent member of staff, or externally engaged?
If yes, when did the council commence engaging a lawyer, and how did it previously deal with fine challenges in court?
If yes, what is the total cost of engaging the lawyer/s in relation to local parking laws, in 2018/19. 
How many Magistrate Court matters were found in the defendant's favour in 2018/19? 

Please attribute the following statement to City of South Perth Mayor, Sue Doherty.

How many fines have been issued under the council's local parking laws in 2018/19 and at what total cost? 

9,199 infringements were issued, totalling $759,570 for all parking offences. 

How many of those fines were appealed? 

The City does not collect this data as there are multiple ways fines can be appealed, via the City and the Magistrates Court. 

How many appeals were successful? 

429 infringements were withdrawn.

How many appeals were eventually referred to the Magistrates Court? 

Eight people elected to have their parking fines dealt with in the Magistrates Court. 

Does the council engage a lawyer to deal with parking matters that go to court to be resolved?


If yes, is the lawyer a permanent member of staff, or externally engaged?

Externally engaged.

If yes, when did the council commence engaging a lawyer, and how did it previously deal with fine challenges in court?

The City is unable to supply this information.

If yes, what is the total cost of engaging the lawyer/s in relation to local parking laws, in 2018/19. 

The City is currently unable to supply this information.

How many Magistrate Court matters were found in the defendant's favour in 2018/19? 

One parking prosecution was found in the defendant’s favour in 2018/19.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.