Australia Day verge parking

Media Response 15 July 2019

Enquiry from Channel Nine 

I’m working on a TV story for tonight on a man who got fined for parking on what he thought was his ex- wife’s “driveway” on Australia Day 2017. 

He says the “no parking” signage needs to be made clearer so people understand it includes the crossover part of a driveway, between the road and footpath. 

I basically just need to know if the City of South Perth will make its signage clearer, and if not, why not?

Please attribute the following statement to City of South Perth Mayor, Sue Doherty. 

Will the City of South Perth make its signage clearer, and if not, why not? 

 Each year after Australia Day, the City undertakes a significant evaluation process that reviews its communications, including temporary signage, to ensure it is clear. 

Community feedback is considered during this review. 

The City makes every effort to communicate with residents in the lead up to and on Australia Day about parking restrictions, road closures and other specific conditions in place. 

A brochure with information about parking and required permits is distributed to all residents. The City also communicates via its print newsletter distributed to all residents, social media, e-newsletter, on its website, and places ads in the local paper about parking restrictions and other critical information around Australia Day. 

The City’s parking local laws state that a verge is the same as a nature strip, which is defined under the Road Traffic Code as an area between a carriageway and the front boundary of adjacent land, but does not include a path. 

The City has access and parking restrictions and conditions each year for Australia Day, and in all communications, residents are encouraged to check the City’s website for further information. 

In order to manage such a large-scale event in case of an emergency, restrictions need to be in place for the safety of residents and attendees. 

The City works in conjunction with a range of organisations including the City of Perth, WA Police, Main Roads Western Australia, and the Department of Fire and Emergency Services to ensure the Australia Day event runs smoothly.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.