Connect South progressing with artwork commissioned to welcome visitors

News Update 12 June 2019
Connect South
Works at the Connect South project area are progressing well with the upgrade of the footpaths and paved areas at the end of Mends Street scheduled for completion soon. 

This exciting project will transform the area into an attractive entry point to the City and a vibrant destination for our local community and visitors alike. 

A pedestrian friendly piazza is being created on the Mends Street foreshore, along with improvements to Mends Street between Mill Point Road and South Perth Esplanade. 

Artworks commissioned for phase one of the Connect South project include a family of meerkats who will welcome visitors to the City when stepping foot off the ferry. 

Artist Mikaela Castledine has been commissioned to create her Katwalk (working title), meerkat sculptures, with 10 created using Mikaela’s signature technique of crocheting polypropylene over a stainless steel frame and coating the pieces with fabric hardener. 

A group of the meerkats will greet visitors at Mends Street Jetty whilst others will pop up in the new public open space and along Mends Street, a key pedestrian route to the zoo where their captivating cousins are amongst Perth Zoo’s most popular residents. 

A family of Promenading Emus (working title) has been commissioned from artist Russell Sheridan, showcasing two adult emus and one chick, made from a tough and lightweight composite material Russell has used extensively in his sculptural work. 

The emus will strut their stuff along the boardwalk from the Jetty and foreshore, as iconic Australian ambassadors, leading tourists and other visitors up Mends Street.

Project details and fortnightly works updates can be viewed on the Connect South project page of the City's website. 

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  • Phone 9474 0777