Bodkin Park - north lake dredging

News Update 11 June 2019
CWSP Parks and Reserve works
The Water Corporation’s contractor, Dredging Solutions, will be carrying out works to dredge Bodkin Park North Lake from Wednesday 12 June 2019. Works are expected to be completed by Friday 21 June 2019 and the dewatering tube should be removed by 30 September 2019. The majority of work will be completed between 7am and 5pm, Monday to Friday. 

This work is being undertaken for drainage operation and maintenance purposes, however it is envisaged this work will also support future water quality planned outcomes and ultimately the amenity of the surrounding area. These outcomes align with the Bodkin Park north lake and living stream project which is being delivered in conjunction with the City of South Perth and the South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare.

The public open space near the corner of Templemore Gardens and Hanover Place will be used to construct a sand bund to house a dewatering tube used as part of the dredging process. The sediments removed from the basin will be pumped into this dewatering tube. The area will be fenced off from the public.

The basin may look slightly fuller than usual for a short period of time prior to and during the dredging. This is to enable the dredging equipment to get around the compensating basin. There will not be any detrimental impacts from this temporary change and this work will not affect water or wastewater services. However, at times you may notice construction noise and traffic management. Every effort will be made to keep disruptions to a minimum.

If you have any queries, please contact Water Corporation’s 24 hour Faults, Emergencies and Security line on 13 13 75.

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  • Phone 9474 0777