Bodkin Park Living Stream Draft Concept Plan

News Update 20 May 2019
CWSP Parks and Reserve works

In partnership with the City of South Perth and Water Corporation, the South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare (SERCUL) has received a grant from Perth NRM to establish a new living stream between the north and south lakes at Bodkin Park in Waterford.

A Draft Concept Plan was developed by the City and the community provided feedback in late 2018. There was fairly balanced support for and against the Draft Concept Plan, all of which can be viewed on the City’s engagement website Your Say South Perth.

In December 2018 the Council received a petition against the Draft Concept Plan and Council consequently requested a briefing about the project, which took place in mid-February 2019. Following the briefing, Council added the north lake to the scope of the project.

The City is now considering other options that will retain the key project objectives of improving storm water quality entering the Canning River and retaining the $270,000 of external funding.

The project will now focus on the north lake in Bodkin Park, which receives storm water from the Water Corporation main drain.

The revised scope will allow nutrient stripping and sedimentation to occur in the north lake prior to the storm water running into the south lake via the open drain.

It is anticipated the revised Draft Concept Plan will be available for community feedback in mid 2019. For further details visit,