Out for comment Amendment No. 61, draft South Perth ACP and draft policy P321

Public Notice 14 May 2019
Planning and Development Act 2005

Local Planning Scheme Amendment Available For Inspection - Complex Amendment

Town Planning Scheme No. 6 - Amendment No. 61

Notice is hereby given that the local government of the City of South Perth has prepared the abovementioned planning scheme amendment for the land north of (and including) Richardson Park and Perth Zoo, and bounded by the Swan River (Perth and Melville Waters) in South Perth. The purpose of the amendment is to:

  • Rezone the subject area (excepting those areas currently reserved for ‘Parks and Recreation’ or ‘Civic and Cultural’ under the Metropolitan Region Scheme) to ‘Centre’
  • Recode the subject area (excepting those areas currently reserved for ‘Parks and Recreation’ or ‘Civic and Cultural’ under the Metropolitan Region Scheme) to R-AC0
  • Replace the existing Schedule 9A with a new Schedule 9B, which contains objectives for each of the four character areas, as well as key development requirements for land uses, built form (building height, podium setbacks, height and site cover, tower setbacks and separation, tower maximum gross floorplate area, and plot ratio), design quality and approval of additional development potential (height and plot ratio).

Draft South Perth Activity Centre Plan

The proposed Amendment No. 61 is to be read in conjunction with the draft South Perth Activity Centre Plan (ACP), which provides a plan for the coordination of the future development of the area. The draft ACP includes objectives and development requirements (additional to those included in Schedule 9B of proposed Amendment No. 61) that must be considered when assessing and determining development applications, as well as explanation and background to support the requirements in Schedule 9B of proposed Amendment No. 61 and the draft ACP.  

Draft local planning policy P321 ‘South Perth Activity Centre Competitive Design Policy’

The draft local planning policy sets out the processes and requirements for undertaking a competitive design process to satisfy design quality requirements for certain developments under the proposed Amendment  No. 61 and draft ACP. 

Have Your Say 

Inspection and Enquiries 

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the proposed Amendment No. 61, draft ACP and draft policy are available at yoursay.southperth.wa.gov.au.

Hard copy documents are also available for inspection at the Civic Centre and City Libraries during business hours.

Visit yoursay.southperth.wa.gov.au to submit your feedback online. 

Written submissions should be addressed to:

Chief Executive Officer
City of South Perth Civic Centre
Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce

or emailed to: feedback@southperth.wa.gov.au.

Written and email submissions should include the amendment number (Amendment No. 61), activity centre plan title, and/or policy number, the property affected and details of the submission. 

Feedback closes 5pm, Monday 22 July 2019.


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For more information, please contact the City.