Recreation and Aquatic Facility site selection

News Update 15 February 2019

As part of the City's investigations into the feasibility and funding opportunities for a Recreation and Aquatic Facility (RAF) for the City of South Perth and surrounding area, a number of potential site locations have been identified.

Conventional swimming pools, while publicly supported, require substantial ongoing financial subsidy to meet operational costs. The aim of the RAF feasibility study is to develop a proposal for a facility that is capable of satisfying the current unmet aquatic and recreational needs whilst being economically viable and sustainable now and into the future.
The City has undertaken a strategic and holistic review of its facilities and services. This included an assessment of the current needs within the City and surrounding areas, the future needs of an increasing and aging population along with trends in recreation and sporting facilities. The review identified the need for integrated planning and co-location of services so as to provide diverse activities to a broader demographic.
A central and highly accessible location that has links to a large population base is essential for the viability of such a facility and using existing City assets would reduce both the economic and environmental costs. Como is a central location with the potential to service a regional catchment across neighbouring Town of Victoria Park and the City of Canning as well as Curtin University student and staff population. A number of potential site locations have been identified, within a 5km radius of Curtin University to take advantage of partnership opportunities and potential links with students and education programs.
Twenty-three possible sites were identified and six were shortlisted.

The shortlisted sites were identified based on the following criteria:

  • available building footprint
  • integration opportunities with existing City owned facilities
  • funding partner opportunities
  • good road access
  • space for parking

Opportunities and constraints of each site are being investigated based on functional requirements, delivery viability, funding, market and value for money.
Shortlisted sites:

  • Collier Reserve
  • The City of South Perth Recycling Centre
  • The City of South Perth Recycling Centre and Operations Centre
  • Collier Park Golf Course (north of the existing club house)
  • George Burnett Leisure Centre
  • Collier Park Golf Course South East Corner.
For the project to progress, funding partners will need to be secured to ensure that the RAF will be a financially sustainable consideration both now and into the future. Federal government financial support will be sought in the lead up to the upcoming Federal elections and a number of additional partnership opportunities will be investigated.

The City will prepare a detailed feasibility/business case to be submitted to Council by July 2019.

For further details visit the RAF project page on the City's website.

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777