Proposed Disposition of Property
Proposed Disposition of Property
Local Government Act 1995
The City proposes to dispose of 57 Angelo Street South Perth (also known as the South Perth RSL Hall) by way of lease to Soco Realty for the purpose of conducting a real estate business for a term of 3 years.
The consideration to be received by the City is $50,000 (plus GST) per annum. The current market valuation is between $40,000 (plus GST) and $70,000 (plus GST) per annum.
In accordance with Section 3.58(3) of the Local Government Act 1995, submissions about this proposal may be made in writing to the Chief Executive Officer, City of South Perth, Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce, South Perth WA 6151, or submitted electronically to no later than 12pm, Wednesday 23 January 2019.
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