Grant awarded to local community group for revegetation works

News Update 22 November 2018

The Salter Point Community Group (SPCG) is one of nine volunteer groups that will benefit from almost $260,000 in funding under the second round of the State Government’s Community Rivercare Program.

The City of South Perth supported the SPCG’s application for funding. The grant will assist the SPCG to undertake a revegetation works; plant native sedges around Salter Point spit and lagoon; and manage weed control.

The SPCG is a part of the Manning Community Association, and anyone who would like to be involved is encouraged to contact the association directly.

All funding from round two of the Community Rivercare Program will go towards weed control and foreshore restoration projects within the Swan Canning Catchment. The Swan and Canning rivers and their major tributaries are focal features of Perth’s landscape. They are prized for their natural values, recreational opportunities and cultural and social importance.

It is a resilient river system but despite its stunning vistas and serene foreshores, these areas are under pressure and the State Government has responded to these challenges by committing $900,000 over three years in grant funding to community volunteer groups.

The funding to community volunteer groups aims to conserve the natural, cultural and social amenity values of the rivers, tributaries and urban drains within the Swan Canning Catchment. 

Grant projects that will receive funding in round two include:

  • Salter Point community revegetation project
  • Canning River foreshore restoration
  • Rehabilitation of the Canning River
  • Revegetation of the Helena River foreshore
  • Lesmurdie Brook weed control and rehabilitation;
  • Melville Beach Road foreshore restoration
  • Wright Brook river catchment restoration project
  • Jarrah Creek wildlife corridor habitat enhancement project
  • Invasive water lily eradication program trial in the Canning River.

In the first round of funding, 17 community groups were awarded more than $540,000 for projects ranging from one to three years in duration.

For more information, visit

Salter Point community grant