Picture South Perth commemorates the Armistice, 1930s style

News Update 31 October 2018

Armistice Day, also known as Remembrance Day is on 11 November. It marks the day World War One ended, at 11am on the 11th day of the 11th month, in 1918. A two-minute silence is held at 11am to remember the people who have died in wars.

Picture South Perth is an online collection of historic images from the City’s Local History Collection. Dating back to the 1850s, the photographs showcase the people, places and events that have shaped the City.

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Picture South Perth armistace 1930
Smoke Social, South Perth RSL Sub Branch, 1931. City of South Perth Local History Collection. View image on Picture South Perth

While Remembrance Day is a solemn occasion of commemoration and reflection, the veterans of the First World War were inclined to be rather more raucous in their own annual rituals. The photograph above shows members of the South Perth RSL Sub Branch at their 1931 “Smoke Social” in the Swan Street Hall on the 25th of September 1931. The social was an all-night theatre performance, with speeches and skits in character, with musical accompaniment from the “Whizz Bangs” concert party, led by Morris Munday and in costume as “the Chinese Labour Corps.”

South Perth Library