Spring in our City

Mayor's Diary 26 September 2018

Spring has arrived and there is plenty happening in and around the community. 

The City is developing its inaugural Cultural Plan which outlines the vision, strategies and goals for cultural development from 2019-2023. The draft Plan was endorsed by Council at its August 2018 meeting, and is now open to the community for public comment. Culture is more than just arts and events, it contributes to the vibrancy of our community, social cohesion and cultural identity. For further information or to provide feedback please visit Your Say South Perth.

Many people may not be aware that the City has a special connection with artist, illustrator, cartoonist and author May Gibbs and her family who moved to the Dune in South Perth in 1889. In 1998 the City was fortunate enough to acquire a number of May’s original artworks, and over time, in partnership with the May Gibbs Trust the City’s collection now totals 123 pieces. 

I recently had the honour of officially opening the South Perth Historical Society’s Snugglepot and Cuddlepie 100 Not Out! exhibition at the Heritage House Cultural Centre. 

For a century May Gibbs’ Snugglepot and Cuddlepie stories and illustrations have captured the hearts of a nation. The exhibition is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate May Gibbs’ life, and pay tribute to the 100th anniversary of her iconic book which has remained in continuous print for 100 years.

The exhibition is open Fridays to Sundays through to the end of February and is free with gold coin donations welcomed. Further information can be found on the City’s website

This year a number of our historical landmarks on and around Mends Street celebrate their 120th anniversary. The City is working in conjunction with the South Perth Historical Society and local groups to host a number of events which will showcase this historical area. To find out more subscribe to our Peninsula Snapshot enewsletter which comes out fortnightly. 

I was delighted to have the opportunity to talk about how the City is leading by example with the introduction of alternative approaches to weed control. ABC national radio and news featured the City along with a number of other local governments across Australia who were being proactive in testing and implementing alternative non-chemical weed management practices.  

As a local government authority it is important that we continually look at ways in which we can effectively and safely deliver on our community’s expectations - both in terms of providing public open spaces which are well maintained, while also considering the impact of how this is done.

You may have recently seen me out with Chris Ungvary selling The Big Issue. The Big Issue is very close to my heart and whenever I get the chance to pop down to the corner of Angelo and Anstey streets, I buy a copy. If you happen to see Chris or any of The Big Issue vendors please show your support by buying a copy – it’s a great read and you’ll be helping people like Chris earn a life-changing income. Another Big Issue vendor Jarrad, sells the paper outside IGA In Preston Street – look out for both Chris and Jarrad.

I had the privilege of presenting Certificates of Citizenship to 63 new Australian citizens at our recent Citizenship Ceremony on Monday 17 September. This was a particularly special ceremony as it fell on National Citizenship Day – which is celebrated on 17 September every year. The day encourages all Australians to reflect on and celebrate the role they play in shaping the communities they live in.  

Finally, I would encourage you to take the opportunity to find out more, and get involved in the many events and activities the busy team at the City have planned for the coming months. 

We are currently hosting the annual Emerging Artist Award exhibition which is open to the public until Saturday 29 September.   

During the exhibition week the City will also be hosting a series of free events which have kindly been sponsored by a number of our local businesses. So please take the opportunity to come along and visit the exhibition and stay on to enjoy one of the many pop-up events we have organised.

There’s also a very busy program of events being run by the staff at South Perth and Manning libraries during the September school holidays. From crafts to story times, there’s a lot happening for kids of all ages. 

Finally, keep a look out for our 2018 – 2019 Arts, Events and Culture calendar which will be out early November. This promises another summer of wonderful free and low cost events and activities for everyone.

If you would like to catch up and have a chat with me, every month I hold Conversations with the Mayor in the South Perth and Manning libraries. I look forward to seeing you. 

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777