A productive nursery

News Update 21 September 2018

The City's plant nursery in Como is one of the largest local government nurseries in metropolitan Perth.

The nursery supplies stock for planting projects throughout the City and to other local councils, including Town of Victoria Park and the Cities of Melville, Belmont, Canning and Fremantle.

The nursery produces more than 450 species of plants and 55 species of trees. In 2017/18 the nursery produced a staggering 57,000 plants including 18,000 mature plants and 1,600 trees, along with wetland species and seedlings for revegetation works.

Native plants and plants of local provenance are propagated and grown to order from seed or cuttings. The plants are used across the City and in a wide range of places including the City's natural areas planting projects, parks and gardens, Collier Park Golf Course, streetscapes and street tree planting. In addition, native plants feature at City events such as community planting days, and as gifts at the City's Citizenship Ceremonies.

Thanks to the hard work of the City's nursery, parks and streetscapes teams the City is progressively increasing tree canopy cover on public land. This will help to reduce summer temperatures within our urban environment, reduce stormwater flows and the transport of nutrients to our waterways, improve air quality, and provide valuable habitat for native fauna.  

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777