Relocation of RSL Field Gun

Media Response 6 September 2018

Journalist's background:

Relocation of RSL Field Gun

  1. How long has the gun been stationed outside the old RSL building for?
  2. What’s the history around the gun?
  3. What’s the significance of the gun to the City of South Perth?
  4. Why is the gun being moved? Does it have any relation to the RSL moving?
  5. Where will it be relocated and why was that spot chosen?
  6. What’s the future plans for the site of the old RSL building?

Please attribute the following statements to City of South Perth Mayor, Sue Doherty.

How long has the gun been stationed outside the old RSL building for?

The Field Gun was placed outside the City of South Perth Sub-branch of the Returned and Services League Hall (RSL) in April 1962 following completion of construction of the Angelo Street Hall in December 1961.

What’s the history around the gun?

 The Field gun was the main field artillery weapon used by British Commonwealth and colonial infantry and armoured divisions of all types during World War II.

The field gun was purchased for 75 pounds in 1961 during the Army Disposal.

Purchase and placement of the gun was organised by Mr Jim Walmsley, the then President of the South Perth RSL Sub-branch. Mr Walmsley was a member of the Artillery during World War II.

In 2010 the field gun was restored by the Royal Australian Artillery Historical Society and returned to the RSL.

The field gun is listed on the City of South Perth’s Municipal Heritage list.

What’s the significance of the gun to the City of South Perth?

 The field gun was purchased and restored as a memorial to the World War II Gunners who lost their lives during the conflict and it continues to provide the South Perth Sub-branch of the RSL with a strong sense of presence.

Why is the gun being moved? Does it have any relation to the RSL moving?

The South Perth RSL Sub-branch has recently relocated its headquarters to the John McGrath Pavilion on the Ernest Johnson Reserve. As part of this relocation the mounted field gun previously situated on the footpath outside the former RSL Hall in Angelo Street is also being relocated.

The South Perth Sub-branch of the RSL has expressed their thanks to the City of South Perth for their support in relocating the mounted field gun.

Where will it be relocated and why was that spot chosen?

The mounted field gun will be relocated to Ernest Johnston Reserve (Sandgate Street side).

This location was chosen as it has good connectivity to the new RSL Hall with the footpath along Sandgate Road.

What’s the future plans for the site of the old RSL building?

The site is currently under review by the City.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.