Planning for our future

News Update 3 September 2018
Local Planning Strategy

As Perth's population continues to grow, the City of South Perth faces planning opportunities and challenges.  By 2031, the City's population is forecast to grow from 44,100 to 54,282, with the number of dwelling expected to increase from 20,286 to 25,070.

The City is planning for strategies that best accommodate this forecast growth.

Draft Local Planning Strategy

The Local Planning Strategy will guide the planning of the City of South Perth over the next 10 to 15 years. It will provide the long term strategic direction for a range of topics influencing and influenced by planning and development, including hosting, employment and activity, the environment, and transport.

Following preliminary community and stakeholder engagement in February and March 2018, the City has prepared a Draft Local Planning Strategy. 

The Draft Strategy was considered by Council at its August 2018 meeting. Council resolved to defer the decision to forward the draft Local Planning Strategy to the WA Planning Commission for consent to formally advertise the document. Minutes of the meeting, including the reasons for deferring the matter are available on the Council Meetings page.

There will be opportunities to comment on the Draft Strategy when it is formally advertised.

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  • Phone 9474 0777