Planning Reform Green Paper submission

Media Release 7 August 2018

The City of South Perth finalised its submission to the State Government’s Planning Reform Green Paper, following endorsement at the July Council meeting.

The Minister for Planning commissioned an independent review of the State’s planning system to identify ways to make it more efficient, open and understandable to everyone. A Green Paper was  developed by the Planning Reform team, proposing five key reform areas – strategically-led, legible, transparent, efficient and delivering smart growth.  

The Minister released the paper for public comment in May 2018. All feedback helping to inform the preparation of a White Paper provided to the State Government for consideration.

“The Green Paper is a catalyst for important discussion and debate and the City of South Perth welcomed the opportunity to comment,” Mayor Sue Doherty said.

“While the City is generally supportive of the Green Paper reform principles and the key reform proposals, the City’s submission highlights a number of issues including the need for further reform of Development Assessment Panels (DAP’s) and the importance of meaningful engagement with the community as a key part of the planning process. 

“To enable the delivery of the best planning outcomes, the City recommends an increase in resourcing within all sectors of the planning system. On issues of regional, state and national importance, such as responsible urban growth management and infill, the City believes there is a case for State Government guidance and leadership to be more firmly demonstrated. Additionally, the City recommends that the State Government, as a matter of priority, develop policies and guidelines on urban infill to assist metropolitan local governments. 

“The submission also outlines the City’s objection to any measures that inhibit local governments from effectively representing their community’s needs.

“The City believes further consultation with all industry sectors and all users of the planning system will be integral to refining the review of the State’s planning system and development of the White Paper.” 

The Agenda Items from the July Council meeting and the City’s submission can be viewed via the document link below.

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.