Is your pet registered?

Media Release 2 July 2018

Is your furry friend registered? In July and August, the City of South Perth’s Rangers will be door knocking local residents to inform the community about the requirements of responsible pet ownership.

If there is an unregistered dog or cat on the premises, one of our Rangers will provide details about how to register it.

Registration forms are available to download from the City’s website or can be collected in person from the Civic Centre. There will be a 14 day amnesty after the owner has been given notice to register. Following the amnesty period, penalties will apply if your dog or cat is not registered.

Under the Dog Act 1976 and Cat Act 2011, dogs and cats are to be registered with their Local Government and microchipped. 

Dog and cat laws aim to reduce the number of unwanted animals in the community and the number that are euthanised each year. Microchipping and registration will also ensure your dog or cat is returned to you if they become lost.

For further information about the requirements of dog and cat ownership visit the Animals & Pets section of our website, or  phone the City’s Rangers on 9474 0777.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.