Attendance of Council Meetings

Media Response 29 June 2018

Journalist’s background: Going from the local election in October, so from November until now, I have noted both Cr Tracie McDougall and Cr Travis Burrows have missed five of the 13 tabled meetings, which is just under 40 per cent.

Are councillors paid a meeting allowance and if so how much?

Are councillors still paid that allowance for meetings that they are unable to attend or have approved leave for?

Does the council consider a council attendance rate of 60 per cent adequate to meet the expectations of the public as their elected representatives?

Please attribute the following quotes to City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty.

Councillor Burrows has attended all of the past six Ordinary Council Meetings. Councillor McDougall has attended four of the past six Ordinary Council Meetings. Councillor McDougall was granted Leave of Absence for both the March and April meetings.

Special Council Meetings are called on an ‘as needed’ basis, at short notice and this can make it difficult for Councillors to plan their attendance as they may have other commitments. The City conducts Special Council Meetings because of the high number of the development applications that are ‘called in’ prior to being ultimately determined by the Central Metro Joint Development Assessment Panel. Councillor McDougall has attended six of the past nine Special Council Meetings, while Councillor Burrows has attended three of the past nine Special Council Meetings. In each instance they have been granted Leave of Absence or offered an Apology in accordance with the Local Government Act 1995. 

Are councillors paid a meeting allowance and if so how much? 

Elected members are not paid a meeting allowance; the City provides members with an annual allowance to enable them to fulfil their duties as an elected member.

Are councillors still paid that allowance for meetings that they are unable to attend or have approved leave for?

Elected members are paid an annual allowance in accordance with Local Government Act 1995, Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 and within the range determined by the Salaries and Allowances Tribunal under the Salaries and Allowances Act 1975.

Does the council consider a council attendance rate of 60 per cent adequate to meet the expectations of the public as their elected representatives?

Both Councillors represent the Council in other areas and do so in accordance to the commitment they have made to represent the City. I am of the view they meet the expectations of the public as their elected representatives. 

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