Let's get physical

Media Release 28 June 2018

The City of South Perth has launched Wellness Kits designed to promote health and fitness within the community.

Available to adult library members to borrow from South Perth and Manning Library for a period of 3 weeks, the kits include;

  • 1 x Skipping rope
  • 1 x Stress ball
  • 1 x Resistance band
  • 1 x Pedometer

“I love the idea behind these Wellness Kits, they provide important opportunities for people to take part in physical activity,” City of South Perth Mayor, Sue Doherty said.

“The kits are available to borrow for three weeks, so they’re a bit of taster. If people feel inspired at the end of the three weeks they can purchase their own equipment and make their own kit to suit their specific needs.

“As we all know being active is a great way to help you lead a healthier and happier life. It is important for healthy growth and development, reducing the risk of major illnesses and increasing your chances of living longer.

“Both libraries are right next to nice big ovals, so it’s a great way for visitors to the South Perth or Manning Library to get active and make use of the space available to them that’s so close by.

“Why not team up with a buddy and workout together – at home or in a park or reserve. Apparently, you are more likely to feel motivated to be physically active and keep up the routine if you are active with a buddy – whether that be a friend, pet, family member or colleague.”

The City’s libraries also offer a series of events throughout the year promoting wellbeing. 

‘Mind Lounge’ events offer an opportunity to learn a craft or have a go at something creative, discover a new game or stretch your mind trying out something new in a fun and expectation-free workshop. The activities are designed to entertain and relax. They are facilitated by an experienced artist, teacher or community worker and are held on the first Tuesday of the month 10am-12pm at Manning Library and 1-3pm South Perth Library.

‘Food for Thought’ events are a chance for the community members to explore health and wellbeing issues and discover new food and cooking ideas with presenters who are cookbook authors and/or health professionals. Tasting samples and cooking demonstrations, example programs and information packs are exciting inclusions in this series. 

Both libraries also offer a large selection of books, magazines, dvds and online resources about health, fitness, cooking and personal development. The collections may be browsed via the Member Services page of the library’s website.

Wellness Kits

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.