Have your say - modernising WA's planning system
The Minister for Planning has commissioned an independent review of the planning system to identify ways to make it more efficient, open and understandable to everyone.
A Green Paper has been developed by the Planning Reform team, led by Evan Jones, proposing five key reform areas:
- Key reform 1: A strategically-led system;
- Key reform 2: A legible planning system;
- Key reform 3: A transparent planning system;
- Key reform 4: An efficient planning system;
- Key reform 5: Planning for consolidated, connected and smart growth.
The Minister has released the paper for public comment.
All feedback will help inform the preparation of a White Paper that will be provided to the State Government for consideration.
Submissions close 5pm, Friday July 20, 2018.
Visit www.planning.wa.gov.au to make an online submission.
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- Phone 9474 0777