Purple Benches honour victims of domestic homicide in WA

News Update 4 May 2018

The Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA), along with Mayor Sue Doherty and former councillor Fiona Reid officially launched the first Purple Bench in the City of South Perth on Friday, 4 May 2018.

Located at Ernest Johnson Reserve in South Perth, the symbolic Purple Bench honours all victims of domestic and family violence. Purple was chosen as it is associated worldwide with the domestic violence awareness movement. 

The Women’s Council has also launched Purple Benches in public spaces in Fremantle and Armadale, with the initiative supported by Local Government councils and Members of Parliament.

The latest data from Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) reports one women a week is killed from a current or former partner; and one man a month is killed due to domestic and family violence. In the first 6 weeks of 2018, nine women have been killed including two women in Western Australia.  

The Women's Council is campaigning to have other local governments, refuges and domestic violence services across WA participate in placing benches to honour local victims and act as a visual reminder of the prevalence of domestic and family violence and its consequences within our communities.

If you need advice and support contact Women’s DV Helpline 9233 1188 and 1800 007 339.

For more information visit www.womenscouncil.com.au.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.