Stage Two of EJ Reserve redevelopment under way

News Update 30 April 2018
Ernest Johnson Reserve

The first stage of the $10.5 million Ernest Johnson Reserve redevelopment was completed in January 2018, providing functional, multi-purpose community facilities. The new hall and pavilion are home to local user groups and sporting clubs.

With demolition of the remaining aged buildings completed, Stage Two of the project is currently under way.

The old turf on EJ Oval has been removed and the surface releveled, with approximately 2ha of new turf laid and new football goals installed. The fences surrounding the oval have been removed with the playing field once again accessible to all community members.

A new irrigation system has been installed to 70% of the site, the remaining system will be installed as part of the forward works which will also include;

  • landscaping and planting
  • installation of paths, lighting, seating, a barbeque, drinking
  • removal of old playground equipment and installation of new
    playground and exercise equipment.

Additionally, new floodlights will be installed on EJ Oval as well as Hensman Oval and Sandgate Oval.

EJ Reserve is located in South Perth, bounded by South Terrace, Sandgate Street and Hensman Street.

The project is anticipated to be completed by September 2018.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.