Douglas Avenue road safety

Media Response 30 April 2018

Journalist’s background: I was hoping you could help me some information/data in regards to complaints against cyclists riding recklessly along Douglas Avenue.
Could you tell me:

Has council received any complaints in the past year from residents regarding cyclists and or poor visibility along Douglas Avenue that is said to be creating a danger for both cyclists and cars?

Has the City’s rangers received any complaints of this nature?

Does the City have designated cycle paths along Douglas Avenue?

Please attribute the following quotes to City of South Perth Mayor, Sue Doherty.

Douglas Avenue south-east of Canning Highway is currently designated as a marked on-road Local Bike Route, on the City of South Perth’s Bike Plan 2012-2017, and while the plan is currently under review, this part of Douglas Avenue forms a strategic route and is not expected that this will change in the future.

The City of South Perth is aware of some concerns regarding the interaction between motorists and cyclists on other parts of Douglas Avenue and has undertaken minor works to further clarify signage and pavement markings to improve safety for cyclists and motorists at these locations.

Road safety is a shared responsibility and it is up to all cyclists and motorists to exercise caution when using the roads.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.