City to commemorate ANZAC Day
The City of South Perth in collaboration with the South Perth Returned and Services League (RSL) Sub-branch will commemorate the 103rd Anniversary of the the First World War Gallipoli landings with a service to be held in the City’s Memorial Gardens on ANZAC Day, Wednesday 25 April 2018.
All residents and visitors are invited to attend the morning’s proceeding and are welcome to a free morning tea to be held in the South Perth Community Hall after the service.
"Anzac Day is one of Australia’s most important national occasions. The spirit of Anzac, with its qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, continues to have meaning and relevance for our sense of national identity,” City of South Perth Mayor, Sue Doherty said.
“I invite all members of our community to commemorate this special day with us at the City of South Perth Memorial Gardens. Annual ANZAC Day services are a time to pause and reflect on the incredible sacrifice our fallen soldiers made during the First and Second World War and indeed all those who have lost their lives in all military and peacekeeping operations in which Australia has been involved.
“The service is also an important occasion to acknowledge and recognise the ongoing work of the men and women who continue to serve Australia today in our armed forces."
Reverend Canon Joanne Baynes will lead the ANZAC Day proceedings. The service will include Fountain College (Ferndale) students Summeyye Feyzanur Ayvaz and Taliya Hourani speaking on the topics of “ANZAC Day means to me”, followed by Penrhos College students Hayley Stannard and Becky Pretorius speaking on “The Value of Peace”.
Representatives of the RSL, City of South Perth, Federal and State parliamentarians, Pilbara Regiment, Scouts and Guides, Students from Penrhos College, Fountain College, Como Secondary College and Aquinas College, Royal Perth Golf Club, City of South Perth Historical Society, Seniors Citizens Seniors Clubs, The Bangladesh Australian Association, National Council of Women WA, Sorptimist International of South Perth, members of the public and community groups will lay wreaths .
Following the City’s Anzac Day service and morning tea, guests are invited to explore the WW1 Centenary Exhibition – South Perth at War at Heritage House, 111 Mill Point Rd, South Perth (open from 10am until 4pm). Presented by the South Perth Historical Society Inc. and the City of South Perth, the exhibition commemorates the Centenary of WW1 through the stories of service men and women who served and the daily struggles and sacrifices of the home-front in South Perth. Photographs, letters, audiovisual material and various artefacts reveal the lived experience of the people of Perth’s first suburb.
City of South Perth Anzac Day memorial service
7-9am, Wednesday 25 April 2018
Memorial Gardens, cnr Sandgate St and South Tce, South Perth
Parking at the Community Centre lower carpark and Ernest Johnson Oval (entry off Sandgate St, South Perth)

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