Recycled waste removal

Media Response 9 March 2018

Sunday Times Media Enquiry

Journalist background: I'm putting together a story about how Perth's councils are planning on dealing with the fallout of China's decision to stop accepting a range of recyclables from the start of the year.

Please attribute the following quotes to City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty.

Has your local government experienced an increase in waste removal charges as a result of this decision?

The processing rate the City of South Perth is charged by its contractor, Cleanaway, for recyclables which increased from 1 February 2018.

Do you anticipate an increase in ratepayer charges as a result of China's decision? If so, how much more do you anticipate households will have to pay and when will the increased charges be implemented?  

The Waste Levy is reviewed and set each year as a part of the City's annual Budget. The 2018/19 Budget will be adopted in July 2018.

Is more recycling now being sent to landfill? Is more recycling now being stockpiled?

According to statistics provided to the City from its contractor our latest contaminated recyclable waste rate that is sent to landfill is in line with previous years.

We have been advised from our contractor that an increase in stockpiling has not occurred.

Has your council been forced to make any other changes to the way it collects or processes waste?

The City acknowledges it will need to be more proactive in educating householders on the right products to place in yellow top recycling bins, especially in correctly separating material at households. This will enable us to turn our recyclables into a more valuable and cleaner product, free of contamination for either domestic or international consumption.  

The Victorian Government has set aside $13 million to help councils deal with the changes in the short term - do you believe a similar funding package is required here in WA?  

Recycling of waste material is a national issue which requires leadership by the Federal and State governments.  It is bigger than local government, whilst $13 million has been set aside in Victoria to assist local governments this is a short term fix and it would be preferable for the State Government to review its State Waste Strategy to address issues of recycling and what can be put in yellow topped bins.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.