26 Charles Street, South Perth

Media Response 26 February 2018

Journalist’s background: The City has reassured residents that Stirling Capital must satisfy all planning approval conditions before the City approves a building permit. But it seems SC has applied for and received a permit for forward works. 

Please attribute the following the quotes to City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty. 

Can the City please define the difference between a building permit for forward works and a building permit for the structure, and clarify whether it can still assure residents that the latter kind will still not be issued before the conditions have been met?  

A development can be constructed in stages and an ‘application for forward works’ is one of the stages commonly seen in larger scale developments. This usually involves in-ground services, earthworks, excavation, footings and slab.  The building work that is included in a stage of construction can differ from site to site. 

Whereas a building permit for the remainder of the building for overall construction will only be issued once the City is satisfied that all conditions of the development approval that specifically must be completed prior to issue of a building permit have been addressed.  The building permit must also be in accordance with the development approval plans. 

Did the COSP meet with Stirling Capital on/around February 15 to highlight the developer had still not met conditions attached to the planning approval? 

Yes, the City met with Stirling Capital to discuss a number of conditions relating to the Metro Central JDAP development approval on 15 February 2018.

Is the COSP aware the developer is advertising the fourth floor commercial tenancies as residential apartments for sale, despite condition 20 of the planning approval which states these must be offices? 

The City is aware the developer is advertising the fourth floor commercial tenancies as residential apartments. 

Is this of concern to the COSP?

The City cannot control the content of what a developer advertises.

Does the City anticipate Stirling Capital to apply for a change of use on the 4th floor? 

An application to change the use of the fourth floor to residential apartments as well of a number of other modifications was submitted in April 2017.  This application was withdrawn by the applicant. To date the City has not received any new revised plan proposal to change the use of the fourth floor.

Has the City let Stirling Capital off the need to consult further with neighbours on the podium design, after the neighbours rejected the initial "indicative" design supplied? 

Condition 32 of the JDAP approval required the applicant to consult with the adjoining owners regarding the revised design for the podium walls on the east and west aspects of the development. The applicant carried out this consultation in January this year. The City requested the applicant re-submit design plans to the City’s satisfaction and this is progessing.

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.