South Perth Activity Centre Plan

News Update 22 January 2018
South Perth Activity Centre Plan South Perth Station Precinct

The City is preparing an Activity Centre Plan for the South Perth Station Precinct and immediate surrounding area.

The Plan will provide the strategic vision and statutory framework for the planning and development of the area, taking a holistic, long-term approach that can be updated over time to respond to community and stakeholder needs and aspirations.

The Plan will guide movement and access, land use and built form within the activity centre.

The preparation of the Plan is a key recommendation of the South Perth Peninsula Place and Design Report (May 2017) and is required under the state planning framework, which classifies the area as a District Centre.

Consultants RobertsDay were engaged in August 2017 to prepare the Activity Centre Plan and have now completed the required background analysis and begun preparation of the draft plan.

Public consultation on the draft Plan is anticipated to commence in April/May 2018, with a range of opportunities for the community and other stakeholders to be involved and provide feedback.

Please visit or contact the City on 9474 0777 for more information.

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For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777