A year of new learnings and achievements

Mayor's Diary 30 November 2017

It has been a remarkable year – one of challenges, new learnings and achievements. It is through the partnership with our community and stakeholders, we have achieved so much for our community driven by the strength and commitment of the decision making of the Council.

The relationship we have with our community and stakeholders is important, and we are committed to continue to build on these partnerships and develop new ones to benefit the City. It is only through working collaboratively that we can create a City for everyone which is in essence, the heart of what we do as a City and Council.

During the year the City has worked with key partners such as the Perth Zoo, the Swan River Trust and Southcare. 

This year the City also reaffirmed its commitment to the Perth Water Memorandum of Understanding signed with Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority, Swan River Trust, Department of Tourism and the other local governments that abut the Perth Water.

In April, the City also signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Curtin University of Technology, City of Canning and Town of Victoria Park for the purposes of exploring possible collaboration and co-operative opportunities.

Additionally, this year saw the City further develop its relationship with the RAC as we support Australia’s very first automated vehicle trial of the RAC Intellibus – a driverless, electric shuttle bus. This trial is happening right here in South Perth, carrying passengers and interacting with traffic, parked cars, cyclists and pedestrians as it travels along South Perth Esplanade. We are incredibly proud to support this game changing initiative.


Whilst talking about game changing initiatives I recently attended a WA State of Innovation Summit that showed images of large drones (that looked a little bit like small helicopters) being used in Dubai as taxis – who knows when this mode of transport will reach Australia? 

Earlier in the year the City welcomed the announcement of Federal and State government funding for the construction of the Kwinana Freeway Manning on-ramp as a key component of transport infrastructure in the Canning Bridge Precinct. The project has been so long on the wish list for the City and it is through the advocacy, campaigning and hard work of our Federal Member for Swan, Steve Irons MP and State Member for South Perth John McGrath MLA that this is finally going to become a reality. Construction is expected to commence in the 2018/2019 financial year. 

At the end of October we launched the City’s Strategic Community Plan 2017 – 2027.

The foundation of the Plan was Vision 2027, a process which involved working collaboratively with our community. Over 1,200 people participated – including residents, businesses, employees and Councillors. Relationships were built along the way with community capacity being enhanced.  

The Strategic Community Plan is the guiding document for the City of South Perth over the next 10 years. It reflects the community’s aspirations, priorities and vision for shaping the future of our City and sets out key strategies required to achieve these aspirations.  

We live in a very special place in Western Australia, living within the City of South Perth offers a lifestyle underpinned by a blend of beautiful natural areas and excellent recreational opportunities. One of the key challenges we face is to ensure that local development and growth complements our City’s unique character and enhances our already strong sense of place. 

As a Council we have been elected to take a leadership role, make tough and bold decisions between competing priorities, manage limited resources, maintain focus on the ‘big picture’ and act for the greater good of the whole City. This is why the Strategic Community Plan is so important, it is a roadmap and guides everything we do as a City, ensuring every step we take is a step towards achieving our community’s vision for the future.

Delivering this vision is not something we can achieve in isolation. Shared decision making and effective working partnerships with government agencies, non-government organisations, business, and of course our community will be critical to our success.

Emphasised in this new Strategic Community Plan is the importance of fostering a diverse, connected, safe and engaged community, a place where everyone feels welcome. Protecting the environment through the promotion of biodiversity and improving the amenity value and sustainable uses of our streetscapes, public open space and foreshores is important. 

The plan articulates the central role innovation and learning plays in strengthening our identity as an inclusive community in harnessing new technologies while protecting and maintaining our natural environment. 

Ultimately we will actively work towards achieving our vision for the City, which is a connected community with easily accessible, vibrant neighbourhoods and a unique, sustainable natural environment for everyone.

I look forward to working together with you all in bringing this new plan to life.

I would like to acknowledge how fortunate we are to be part of this wonderful community. A truly diverse and multicultural community. As we work to balance the needs of everyone, we remain committed to our vision in creating a City for all, one that protects our heritage and amenity, valuing the open spaces while creating vibrant residential and business locations and opportunities - an important focus for us as we move forward into 2018 and beyond. 

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