Be part of Moorditch Wirrin Kep

Media Release 22 November 2017
Public Art

Artists Sharyn Egan and Elaine Clocherty invite you to be a part of building Moorditch Wirrin Kep, a 25 metre wide sculptural artwork on the South Perth foreshore. The site-specific work symbolises fresh water and the use of local plants by the Noongar people who camped along the river.

The temporary artwork will be constructed using the flowers, nuts and sticks of the Banksia, and deep yellow sands. The work recalls a time when people could use the fresh river water and acknowledges the medicinal qualities of local plants.   

The size and scale of the work means many hands will be required to assist with its construction. Between 8am and 4pm, Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 December the community are invited to work with the artists to build this awe-inspiring work which will be situated on Sir James Mitchell Park in South Perth (Coode St, near the flagpole). 

A free community BBQ will be held on 4pm, Sunday 10 December to celebrate the completion of the work.  

“Sharyn and Elaine are artists who both draw on their relationship with the natural environment. The creation of Moorditch Wirrin Kep, offers a unique opportunity for people to work with them and be involved in the creation of what will be a spectacular artwork made by our community,” City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty said.

The finished artwork will be on display from 11-17 December

To keep up to date with event details join the Facebook event.

Moorditch Wirrin Kep2

Artists Sharyn Egan and Elaine Clocherty.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.