Special Council Meeting 7pm Tuesday 14 November

Public Notice 10 November 2017

A Special Council Meeting has been called for the purpose of:
1. Considering the immediate advertising of an Amendment to the City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme No. 6 related to ensuring that the intent of Amendment No. 50 is reflected in the text of the Scheme.
2. Requesting the CEO to forthwith contact the Department of Main Roads to:
obtain an actual or indicative timing for the implementation of the Department's timed bus bay in the grassed verge adjacent to the Como Hotel in Canning Highway, and 
progress at the earliest opportunity the Department's proposal to extend the Canning Highway median strip northeast to a point past Norton Street to prevent a right turn into and out of Norton Street at the intersection with Canning Highway.

3. Approving an allocation of $30,000 from City funds towards the joint funding of the implementation of the Department's proposal for Canning Highway median strip lengthening.
The Special Council Meeting is being held in the Council Chamber, City of South Perth,
cnr Sandgate Street and South Terrace, South Perth, commencing at 7pm, Tuesday 14 November 2017.


Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.