Out for Comment Draft Scheme Amendment No. 56 – Civic Site

Public Notice 30 October 2017
South Perth Station Precinct

Draft Scheme Amendment No. 56 – Civic Site

The City seeks public comments on draft Scheme Amendment No. 56 to Town Planning Scheme No. 6, relating to the land identified as the ‘Civic Site’ being that bound by Mill Point Road, Mends Street and Labouchere Road.

The amendment seeks to apply a Special Control Area to facilitate and control the re-development of the Civic Site. The Special Control Area is proposed to apply only to the Civic Site, in acknowledgement of the site’s unique characteristics and the City’s desire to promote a landmark mixed used development at the heart of the South Perth Station Precinct.  

The draft amendment introduces new provisions into Town Planning Scheme No. 6 which, amongst other things, control the sites development in terms of tower height, scale of podiums, land use, vehicle and bicycle parking and traffic management, the pedestrian environment, heritage protection, design quality, public and occupier benefit.    

Inspection and Enquiries

Hard copies of the report for Scheme Amendment No. 56 are available to view during business hours, up to and including Tuesday 16 January 2018, at the Civic Centre offices, City's Libraries and website.


To view the report online and to make a comment, visit the City’s Your Say South Perth community engagement portal at yoursay.southperth.wa.gov.au.

Submissions on the planning scheme amendment may be lodged in writing and should include the amendment number, the property affected, details of the submission and your email and/or postal address.

Written submissions should be addressed to: 

Chief Executive Officer
City of South Perth Civic Centre 
Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce

or emailed to: feedback@southperth.wa.gov.au

Feedback will be received until 5pm, Tuesday 16 January 2018.  


Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.