Civic Triangle proposed scheme amendment
The City of South Perth Council unanimously resolved to initiate a proposed scheme amendment relating specifically to the Civic Triangle site in the South Perth Station Precinct (SPSP) at an Ordinary Council Meeting on 22 August 2017.
The land bounded by Mill Point Road, Mends Street and Labouchere Road referred to as the Civic Triangle site, is a key focal point of the South Perth Station Precinct. The 8206m2 site has a prominent location at the intersection of two key roads, and is adjacent to the main hub of commercial activity on Mends Street, which also provides a key link to the foreshore and river.
The City’s current Town Planning Scheme (TPS) does not take into account a site such as Civic Triangle, which is unique in its position and triangular shape, with no adjacent neighbours.
The proposed amendment seeks to provide a set of site-specific development provisions which acknowledge the site’s distinctive characteristics and the City’s vision for an iconic, landmark building on the site.
The proposed amendment incorporates a number of rigorous planning controls relating to;
▪ design quality
▪ built form typology
▪ height
▪ setback
▪ land uses
▪ parking and vehicle management
▪ public and occupier benefits
The proposed amendment has been drafted to incorporate recommendations of the City’s South Perth Peninsula Place + Design Report, finalised in May 2017.
The proposed scheme amendment would allow for up to two towers on the site with one taller tower with a maximum height of 96 metres and one smaller tower with a maximum height of 83 metres. Provision for additional height above prescribed limits may be permitted subject to the proposal satisfying criteria relating to amenity impacts on the locality, its inhabitants or its likely future development. Detailed setback controls relating to separation between potential tower elements have been include along with street setback controls which seek to preserve pedestrian amenity along Mends Street and give adequate protection to the heritage value of area. These provisions are consistent with the recommendations in the Place + Design Report.
“The Civic Triangle site is the gateway to the City of South Perth, recognised as a landmark development opportunity and the City has anticipated a high-quality development to be built on the site. This proposed scheme amendment is respectful of the prime location and existing cultural heritage of the area,” City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty said.
Next steps
In accordance with City policy and statutory requirements, the City consults with the community on amendments to its Town Planning Scheme.
The amendment will be forwarded to the Western Australian Planning Commission for preliminary assessment and referred to the Environmental Protection Authority for assessment. Upon receipt of advice from the aforementioned authorities, the City will prepare notice of, and advertise, the proposed amendment with an extended submission period of not less than 75 days in recognition of the site’s significance within the City.
During this period, the public will have the opportunity to provide feedback and comments. Consultation will include a sign on site and notices on the City’s website, in the Southern Gazette newspaper, the City of South Perth Civic Centre and the City’s South Perth and Manning Libraries. The amendment will then be considered by the City of South Perth Council before it is referred to the Western Australian Planning Commission and WA Minister for Planning for final determination.
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