Replacement for vandalised tree

News Update 4 August 2017
A replacement tree has been planted on the South Perth Foreshore in place of a mature plane tree that was vandalised with a chainsaw in June 2017.
Located on public land near the Mends Street Jetty, the vandalised tree, estimated to be over 70 years old and 20 metres tall, was so badly damaged that the City had to remove it.
Ellenby Tree Farm in Gnangara donated the replacement plane tree which was planted on Thursday 3 August. Standing approximately 7 meters tall with a trunk diameter of 100mm, the tree has been planted as close as possible to the existing trunk which remains in place as a reminder of the senseless act of wilful damage.
The incident was reported to the Kensington Police and the Department of Parks and Wildlife who are assisting with the City’s own investigation.
It is an offence under the City’s Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law (2011) and the Local Government Act (1995) for unauthorised persons to prune, remove or otherwise deal with any tree which is under the care, control or management of the City.
There are substantial penalties for the unlawful destruction of vegetation. Vandalising the City’s trees is an offence that will be dealt with through the courts. Records are kept of the 28,000 plus trees in the City of South Perth and the City will continue to replant and maintain trees in response to blatant vandalism.
In some instances, where there has been a history of tree damage the City installs metal trees to highlight to residents and visitors that trees in the area have been poisoned, ring barked or cut down by persons unknown to the City.
The City has a reputation for its green leafy streets and is committed to manage the trees on land under our care and control.
If you have information that may help to identify tree vandals, please contact the City on 9474 0777 or email

The City thanks Ellenby Tree Farm for their donation.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.