Civic Heart media enquiry

Media Response 22 May 2017

Please attribute the following quotes to City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty. 

Has Finbar submitted revised Civic Heart plans to the City of South Perth since February? 
The City is continuing to work with Finbar to ensure that it delivers a landmark building for this important site in the heart of South Perth. The City will encourage Finbar to deliver a development that meets the changing needs of the local apartment, office and retail market, and which meets the original aspirations for the site, to create a landmark and vibrant mixed use ‘civic heart’ for the South Perth community, incorporating attractive retail, residential, commercial and local public amenities. 

Re the City of South Perth’s South Perth Station Precinct Place and Design Project, does the City believe it has brought resident and developer stakeholders in the area closer together? Is it likely to make the City’s expectations about what is appropriate in terms of scale and size of development clearer to developer stakeholders? 
The South Perth Station Precinct Place + Design study, undertaken by the City, has provided a unique and valuable opportunity to bring together key stakeholders to work through various planning and design issues in the Precinct and immediate surrounding area. 

The process has brought a range of stakeholders including community group representatives, individual residents, developers, business owners, land owners and government representatives together to workshop ideas and establish a collective way forward and a new understanding of how the area should develop into the future. 

A report outlining the key findings of the study has now been finalised. It presents a draft of a renewed stakeholder-led vision that articulates future aspirations and goals for the South Perth Station Precinct and immediate surrounding area, together with goals, ideas and recommended actions for the continuing planning and development of the South Perth Peninsula. The goals, ideas and recommended actions will be considered by the City and provide the basis for the ongoing planning of the area.

The recommended actions establish a broad framework and high level recommendations for the future planning and built form of the area. The details around built form will continue to be developed as part of further planning processes and will involve more stakeholder engagement. 

The report will be formally presented to the Council for consideration at the Council meeting in June 2017.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.