Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2017-2021

Media Release 2 May 2017

The City of South Perth has reviewed and updated its Disability Access and Inclusion Plan (DAIP) for the next five years. 

As part of the development of the DAIP 2017-2021, consultation was undertaken to identify strategies and actions to be incorporated into the new Plan. A community survey, engagement with organisations working with people with disability and focus meetings with the City’s Inclusive Community Advisory Group (ICAG) helped to inform the Plan.

The Plan outlines ways in which the City is working to create a community, which is accessible and inclusive for everyone.  The City’s commitment to the seven access and inclusion outcome areas are specified in the Disability Services Act 1993. 

The plan aims to ensure that all members of our community have the same opportunities to: access services and events; access buildings and facilities; receive information in appropriate formats; receive the same level and quality of service from staff; to provide feedback and make complaints; to participate in public consultation; and to obtain and maintain employment with the City.

Outcomes achieved through the DAIP to date include: 
• Major improvements have been made to ACROD parking bays across the City – installing new bays where none existed and updating older bays to new standards; 

• The purchase of two portable hearing loops, acquired through Disability Services Commission, ‘Count Me In’ funding;

• Upgrade of the Civic Centre’s access ramp to improve access from the Civic Centre lower level carpark;

• Purchase of a beach wheelchair, available at South Perth Foreshore; 

• George Burnett Leisure Centre continuing programs for people with disability through the WA Disabled Sports Association;

• Accessible self-service loan facilities installed at the new Manning Library;

• Community consultation methods have been developed to increase the inclusion of people with disability e.g. City of South Perth’s online engagement portal, ‘Your Say South Perth;’ and

• Received $10,000 from the Lighthouse Project grant program to develop employment initiatives for people with disability.

“I fully support this Plan as part of the City’s commitment to accessibility and inclusion and I encourage the community to embrace and participate in the implementation and further development of the Plan,” City of South Perth Mayor Sue Doherty said.

“Local government is about building strong communities. Strong communities are friendly and welcoming places where everyone can experience a sense of belonging, feel that they can make a difference and contribute.” 

“The purpose of the DAIP is to provide equity of accessibility and inclusion to all services, facilities, functions and information provided by the City. The concept of equity ensures that people with disability get a ‘fair go’ at accessing and participating in all aspects of community life.” 

The City of South Perth sincerely acknowledges the contribution of the Inclusive Community Advisory Group (ICAG), City staff, individuals and groups within the community, who have been invaluable in the development of this Plan.

For further information on the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan contact the City.

This Plan is available in alternative formats upon request; including Braille, large print, electronically by email and in audio format on CD.
National Relay Service (NRS): 13 36 77 Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS): 131 450.

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  • Phone 9474 0777