Place + Design: South Perth Station Precinct Planning Design Forum

Media Release 23 March 2017
South Perth Station Precinct

The South Perth Station Precinct (SPSP) Planning Design Forum concluded on Friday 17 March 2017 after five days of intensive community and stakeholder consultation.

Part of the Place + Design: South Perth Station Precinct study facilitated by urban design, planning and place making consultants RobertsDay, the Forum provided a unique opportunity for community members and land owners to work with key state government agencies, City staff and a team of urban planning and design, architecture, traffic and transport and economic consultants over a week of intensive workshops and design investigations. 

Following a site tour of the SPSP on day one of the Forum, participants discussed topics including the character of the area, movement and transport, public realm, built form and architecture, and governance, with input from expert consultants in each topic.

Public exhibitions were held to present the work in progress and provided an opportunity for further feedback to be collected. Daily wraps from the Forum were also published online to summarise the activities of each day.

A final report and recommendations from the Forum will be presented at a public open day in May 2017.

“The City would like to thank everyone involved in the Forum, in particular those who gave up their time to attend and share their views,” Deputy Mayor Glenn Cridland said.

“A wide range of interests and points of view were represented by the participants and were discussed openly and respectfully throughout the five days. 

“The Forum provided the City, and participants, with a huge amount of material to consider, with topics ranging from the big-picture vision of what the area might be in the future through to consideration of built form, public spaces, transport and governance.

“The views and the ideas raised were truly inspiring and the overwhelming theme throughout the week was the enormous potential of this area to improve on its already excellent amenity and quality environment well into the future.”

To keep up to date on the progress of the Place + Design: South Perth Station Precinct register for email updates or visit

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For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.