Amendment No. 46 South Perth Station Precinct comes into effect

Media Release 21 February 2017
South Perth Station Precinct

The City of South Perth’s Town Planning Scheme Amendment No. 46 ‘South Perth Station Precinct’ has come into immediate operational effect following its publication in the Government Gazette on Tuesday 21 February 2017.

Amendment No.46 was initiated to rectify anomalies, clarify ambiguities and strengthen performance criteria for building height variations relating to development provisions affecting the South Perth Station Precinct (SPSP).

Following an extensive and comprehensive consultation period during which the community were provided with two opportunities to comment, in April 2016 the Council unanimously endorsed the amendment and it was referred to the WA Department of Planning in May 2016. 

In December 2016, the Minister for Planning Hon. Donna Faragher considered the amendment and requested the City make a number of modifications.

The major modifications with significant implications for future development of the South Perth Station Precinct include:

• There will be no height limits as the maximum allowable building height has been removed

• Design Quality performance criteria have been expanded to include subjective criteria, relating to exemplary, sensitive and sophisticated design

• There can be continued development in the Peninsula area as it has not been removed from the ‘Special Design Area’

• Mixed development can have more residential and less commercial floor space as the minimum non–residential component for a mixed-use development with a plot ratio more than 3.0 has been reduced from 1.5 to 1

• For lots which have an area of less than 1700m2 and a frontage that is less than 25m, there will be no absolute minimum lot area or frontage required in order to approve development above the prescribed height limit

A number of additional minor modifications were also required which do not modify the intent of the City’s Amendment.  

The City modified the amendment as it was legally required to. There was no provision for any further appeal or public consultation and the amendment was submitted to the WAPC in January 2017.

To view the Minister’s modifications to Amendment No.46, please see the document below.

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.