Place + Design: South Perth Station Precinct study registrations open

Media Release 31 January 2017
South Perth Station Precinct

The City has commenced a place and design study for the South Perth Station Precinct (SPSP), in collaboration with community members and other stakeholders.

A primary focus of the study is to review the existing vision (developed in 2011 with the Western Australian Planning Commission as part of the South Perth Station Precinct Plan) against the community’s current aspirations for the SPSP. 

The project will build on the existing vision, consultant research and stakeholder input to date, and also considers development that is currently occurring in the area.

“We have worked hard to establish a comprehensive engagement program to ensure we better understand your views in relation to built form outcomes, community benefits and improving liveability,” Mayor Sue Doherty said. 

“The exercise also plans to identify more effective tools and mechanisms to ensure these aspirations can be delivered.”

“We both acknowledge and appreciate that our community has concerns about the prospect of future development in South Perth. We are commencing a collaborative place and design study for the South Perth Station Precinct and we encourage you all to participate and have your say.”

There are a range of ways that community members can contribute throughout this process from February to April 2017, and ultimately help shape the future of the precinct. These include interactive workshops, a best-practice Planning Design Forum, and a number of community exhibitions where the public will receive updates on the progress of the project.

Two interactive workshops will be held, one for local businesses from 6-9pm, 22 February and one for community members from 2-5pm, 25 February 2017. These workshops will provide an opportunity for participants to express their views on the future of the SPSP. The workshops are not exclusive to these groups and all interested community members are encouraged to attend one or both.

The City is also calling for expressions of interest from community members to participate in a Planning Design Forum. Run over five consecutive days in March, the Forum will bring a diverse range of interested people together to work through issues associated with planning for the SPSP. Alongside urban planning, architecture, traffic, transport and economic consultants, up to 30 community members will be selected to participate in the Forum during selected sessions, and represent a diverse cross-section of the community.

While the Forum is open to select participants only, all community members are invited to view the work in progress at public exhibitions held at the end of days three and five of the Forum. Interested community members are encouraged to come to the South Perth Community Hall at 5.45pm on Wednesday 15 March and 5pm on Friday 17 March to hear about the progress.

“By bringing a diverse group of interested people together to work through the various planning and design issues in the SPSP, the project will deliver a revised vision and an improved planning framework to ensure that vision will be realised.”

You can find out more about the Planning Design Forum, and/or complete the expression of interest at

Stage 1: Two interactive workshops for local businesses/landowners and community members

Business / Landowner Workshop #1 – Wednesday, 22 February 2017
Community Workshop #2 – Saturday, 25 February 2017 

Stage 2: Planning Design Forum 
Planning Design Forum - 13-17 March 2017

Stage 3: Open Day 

April 2017, date to be confirmed

To find out more about this project, or to register your interest in attending a workshop, visit

Media contact

For media enquiries, please contact the City’s Communications Officer.