Place + Design: South Perth Station Precinct

News Update 17 January 2017
South Perth Station Precinct

The City is reviewing the 2011 vision for the South Perth Station Precinct (SPSP), and undertaking a detailed study of the place and design development for this area, in collaboration with community members and other stakeholders.

The study is informed by the previous consultant research and stakeholder input to date, including existing development currently occurring, and will focus on improving liveability, community benefit and built form outcomes within the SPSP.

There are a range of ways that community members can contribute throughout this process during February to April 2017, and help shape the future of the SPSP, including workshops, a best-practice Planning Design Forum, information sessions and an open day.

The result of the project will be a revised vision for the SPSP, which is supported by clearly defined place and built form outcomes (ie what the place feels and looks like, including what facilities are there, landscaping, building size and design, and land uses) desired for the SPSP.

Specific recommendations will also deliver policy and town planning scheme provisions with the aim to assist the City to improve implementation and achieve the revised vision, design outcomes and desired community benefit. Following the workshops, a team of town planning, urban design, architecture, traffic and transport and economic consultants, led by RobertsDay, will collaborate with the City staff and nominated community representatives in a Planning Design Forum. The Forum will run over five consecutive days, 13-17 March 2017.

Unlike other community consultation processes, the Forum will bring a diverse range of interested people together to collectively work through the issues associated with planning for the SPSP. Participants will explore place and design challenges and collaborate to define and visualise the future SPSP. At the end of day three and day five of the Forum, all community members will be able to view the work in progress at public exhibitions in the South Perth Community Hall. When all plans and documents are finalised, an Open Day will be held in April to present the outcomes to the broader community for feedback.


Stage 1: Two interactive workshops for local businesses/landowners and community members

  • Business/Landowner Workshop Wednesday 22 February 2017
  • Community Workshop Saturday 25 February 2017

Stage 2: Planning Design Forum

  • Planning Design Forum - 13-17 March 2017

Stage 3: Open Day

  • April 2017, date to be confirmed

To find out more about this project, or to register your interest in attending a workshop, visit

Place and Design workshop

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City.