How to become a responsible cafe

News Update 11 January 2017

Australians throw away over a billion takeaway cups every year and most end up in landfill. To help reduce this waste, the City is inviting local cafés and coffee shops to participate in Responsible Cafes, a national program that encourages them to offer a
discount to customers that bring their own reusable cup.

Participating cafés are provided with posters to let people know about the issue and advertise the discount. Cafés are also included on a national map of participating venues, and offered free promotion on social media. 

To find out more information or to get involved visit The City is committed to sustainability and is a member of the local government sustainability initiative Switch your thinking. Visit these websites for tips to reduce your environmental footprint. 

Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777