2015/16 Annual Report received at Annual Electors’ Meeting

News Update 6 December 2016

The City’s 2015/16 Annual Report and financials were received at the Annual Electors’ Meeting held on Monday 5 December 2016. 
The theme for the annual report was ‘creating a community for all’, as the City continued to make great progress on key ‘place making’ projects tailored to different groups of the community. The theme ties in closely with our ‘working together to create a City for everyone’ mission.
It highlights the year’s achievements and challenges and reports on the City’s performance based on the six strategic directions; Community, Environment, Housing and Land Uses, Places, Infrastructure and Transport, and Governance, Advocacy and Corporate Management.
Below is a snapshot of the City’s achievements. The full Annual Report 2015/16 is available to downloaded.

Key Achievements

  • Opening South Perth Promenade and Mends Street River Wall project
  • Establishing a three year Memorandum of Understanding with the Town of Victoria Park, committing to work together to identify, prioritise and promote opportunities for future collaboration and partnership
  • Holding well attended Fiesta and Australia Day events
  • Returning encouraging Culture Optimisation Programstaff survey results
  • Completing the Manning Community Hub’s James Miller Oval redevelopment
  • Finalising the South Perth Foreshore River Wall and Path replacement project
  • Constructing the Old Mill Redevelopment’s rock wall, headlands and beach area
  • Achieving the Olive Street and Garden Street Park water audit savings
  • Finalising the Ernest Johnson Reserve Master Plan design
  • Progressing the Kwinana Freeway Foreshore Management Plan and draft streetscapes Master Plan for the proposed South Perth Station Precinct 
  • Undertaking ongoing consultation and engagement for key projects and programs

Key Challenges

  • Ensuring the Local Planning Strategy was developed to meet current and future community needs
  • Reviewing the 822 complex submissions for the Town Planning Scheme Amendment No. 46
  • Completing the planning phases of the Connect South upgrade and redevelopment, to enable construction to begin

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For more information, please contact the City.