Proposed Local Laws out for comment

News Update 12 September 2016

Proposed Penalty Units Amendment Local Law

The City of South Perth invites comments on proposed amendments to the Penalty Units Local Law 2003.

The purpose of the Amendment Local Law is to make a correct reference to the First Schedule of the City’s Parking Local Law 2011, and to delete reference to a special event no longer held.

This will ensure that the correct Schedule in the Parking Local Law 2011 is referred to, and reference to a special event no longer held is deleted. 

Proposed Waste Local Law 

The City invites comments on a proposed new Waste Local Law.

The purpose of the new Local Law is to regulate the storage, collection and disposal of waste and refuse from residential premises and on waste facilities in the City.

This will ensure the storage, collection and disposal of waste and refuse within the City (unless otherwise authorised) is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the local law.

This Local Law reflects recent amendments to legislation, and in particular the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2008.

Proposed Dogs Local Law 

The City invites comments on a proposed new Dogs Local Law.

The purpose of the new Local Law is to make rules regarding the confinement and fencing of dogs, set the maximum number of dogs that can be kept on a property without approval, and a requirement to remove dog excreta.

This will ensure the extension of controls over dogs which exist under the Dog Act 1976 and Regulations.

This Local Law reflects recent amendments to the Dog Act 1976 and Dog Act Regulations 2013. It should be noted that there are no changes proposed in the new Dogs Local Law with respect to dog exercise areas and prohibited areas.

Have Your Say

Inspection and Enquiries

Hard copies of the amended and new proposed Local Laws are available to view during business hours at the Civic Centre, City’s Libraries and website


To view the relevant documents and to make a comment online, visit the City’s Your Say South Perth community engagement portal at

Written submissions should be addressed to:
Chief Executive Officer
City of South Perth Civic Centre
Cnr Sandgate St & South Tce

or emailed to:

The feedback period for the above proposed Locals Laws, will close at 5pm, Friday 4 November 2016.


Contact us

For more information, please contact the City or Make a Request online.
  • Phone 9474 0777