Works to begin on Millers Pool project in September
Part of the City’s South Perth Foreshore Strategy and Management Plan, the Millers Pool project aims to improve amenity, access and natural features of the Mill Point foreshore.
Following on from the completion of foreshore restoration works to replace damaged river walls and the creation of two new beaches and rock headlands, works at Millers Pool will commence in early September 2016. The site working hours will generally be confined to 7am to 5pm, Monday to Saturday. Works are planned to take approximately 18 weeks and scheduled to be completed by the end of 2016. Access to the foreshore surrounding Millers Pool and car park 11 will be restricted to allow construction activities to be undertaken.
Works will involve amenity improvements including picnic and seating areas and a new path network, planting of native vegetation and trees, implementation of Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) principals to treat storm water run-off prior to entering Millers Pool and the Swan River, carpark and road improvements, new lighting and public art installations.
In December 2015, the City called for expressions of interest from artists to create a small scale public artwork that responded to the uniqueness and cultural history of the site.
The successful proposal was a kinetic sculptural design by artist team, Jana Wallace Braddock and Shane Mullins. The 4.2 metre tall artwork will rotate using solar power, reflecting ephemeral elements of the landscape. Prints by Curtin Primary School students of the samphire plant will be incorporated in concrete base of the artwork. The artwork will be installed upon completion of the landscaping in November 2016.
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